Author: Kate Petsche

The 60 Second Interview series features success stories from our Global Good Network, and a rapid-fire interview with the partner on how it was achieved.

We’re excited to share how Autodesk Inc., a leader in 3D Design, Engineering, and Entertainment Software, is successfully implementing their 2:1 Board Member Match Program to strengthen their corporate giving and engage employees. Here’s what Julie Wilder, Manager, Employee Impact Programs, had to tell us about the program:

Tell me about the 2:1 board member matching gift program

Our board match program allows employees who serve on either an Advisory Board or on a Board of Directors with a qualifying nonprofit organization to have their donation matched 2:1. If an employee makes a $100 donation to their charity, Autodesk will match $200, resulting in $300 for the organization.

What was the catalyst for offering board member a 2:1 match?

We wanted to further incentivize our employee match program. We raised our match limit from $500 to $3,000 last year, which was a huge jump and very welcomed by our employees. For those employees who go the extra mile and make a long-term commitment to serving on a board, we wanted to reward them further with the 2:1 match.

What is your philosophy about getting matching gifts validated?

While employee engagement and commitment are big factors, we want to invest in and support organizations that make real positive impact, whether in the local community or in a larger, global way. These organizations can help with some of the major challenges in the world, such as climate change, poverty, and health. Our company’s vision is to Imagine, Design, and Create a Better World, and nonprofit engagement is one powerful way to make this a reality.

What is your communication strategy to engage employees that hold board seats at non-profits into this program?

We have an intranet at Autodesk called A360. It’s like an electronic bulletin board, in that anyone can publish to it, share information, and make announcements. In addition to using the A360 site to promote 2:1, we communicate the board match program to employees through email and presentations about our Employee Impact program.

How have you been able to keep employee engaged in this program?

As word has spread about the terrific benefits available to employees through Employee Impact, participation has increased. We also have a great campaign called Global Month of Impact and participate in #givingtuesday. Part of our message is “Don’t leave money on the table!” By reminding employees that the company is willing to match their donations up to $3,000/year, it has fueled a renewed interest and enthusiasm for charitable giving and volunteerism. We also match volunteer time! For every 10 hours logged, employees receive $100 to donate to the eligible charity of their choice. This is another way for employees to use their $3,000 matching funds.

What has been the employee response for offering a 2:1 board member match program?

Very positive. Employees are aware that this is a generous gift given to them by the company and they are excited about using it. Those who serve on boards are thrilled at this extra incentive.

Thank you, Julie for sharing with us!

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